Best pictures of charity football match in memory of Dunblane teenager

by · The Courier

A charity football match honouring the late Murray Dowey raised almost £18,000 for youth mental health projects.

More than 1,000 supporters attended the game at Forthbank Stadium on Sunday to remember the Dunblane teenager, who took his own life last December after being blackmailed online through a sextortion scam.

Friends and family of Murray, who was a passionate supporter of Stirling Albion, took to the pitch to raise funds for Back Onside, The Scott Martin Foundation, and Stirling Albion’s youth mental health programme.

The Binos claimed a 4-3 victory, with Murray’s younger brother Evan scoring the final goal.

Their mum, Ros Dowey, said: “Seeing so many people come together to celebrate Murray’s life and support such an important cause means the world to us.

“We’re so grateful for the time and hard work that so many people have put in to make the day happen.

“I know Murray would be incredibly touched by the love and generosity shown today.

“This event not only honours his memory but will help make a difference in the lives of young people struggling with their mental health, and that’s something he would be so proud of.”

Photographers Craig Watson and Julie Howden captured the best moments from Murray’s Match.

The players heading onto the pitch. Image: Julie Howden
Applause from the crowd kickstarted the match. Image: Julie Howden
The match was held at Forthbank Stadium. Image: Julie Howden
Tribute to Murray. Image: Julie Howden
It was 3-3 at half time. Image: Craig Watson
The strips were dedicated to Murray’s Match. Image: Craig Watson
Around 1,000 locals supported the event. Image: Craig Watson
Donations are still being accepted via GoFundMe. Image: Craig Watson
Professional footballers and rugby players joined the teams alongside Murray’s family and friends. Image: Craig Watson
A raffle contributed £7,073 to the match’s fundraising total. Image: Craig Watson
Victory for the Binos. Image: Craig Watson
The players posed for a group photo. Image: Craig Watson
Murray’s father Mark thanked everyone for their support. Image: Craig Watson
A trophy was given to the winning team. Image: Craig Watson
Spectators enjoying the match. Image: Julie Howden