AI tutorial example. Image: Microsoft

Xbox unveils extremely annoying AI to help you get better at games

by · Boing Boing

I wonder why Xbox is losing the console war so handily. Could it be because it's working on everything but its actual consoles? Case in point: Xbox's new "Copilot for Gaming," which is supposed to "save you time" and "help you get good." According to an Xbox news release:

Kardar introduced Copilot for Gaming, which Xbox Insiders can get an early preview of on mobile soon. This AI-driven sidekick is designed to be your personalized gaming companion, helping you get to your favorite games faster, coaching you to improve your skills, and connecting you better with your friends and communities. Copilot for Gaming will be there when you need it but out of the way if you don't.

"Gaming is the only form of entertainment where you can get stuck," said Kardar on the podcast. "So that's where you want something to show up to say, 'let's help you get past that.'"

Examples that were shown off included this inbuilt AI suggesting crafting recipes in Minecraft and and pulling up strategy guides mid-game. It essentially seems to be a tool that automatically pulls up walkthroughs for you with the intent of saving you the Google search, which looks annoying at best and rage-inducingly aggravating at worst. Imagine Clippy (another particularly hellish Microsoft invention) sitting next to you on the couch, constantly trying to backseat game while you're whittling down a particularly difficult Elden Ring boss. I'd break my controller.

At the end of the day, some people like the challenge inherent to gaming, and being babysat by an AI certainly isn't going to enrich that experience. Like every half-baked implementation of AI, I can't see this lasting long – it's probably a good thing Microsoft didn't end up buying Nintendo, lest Mario start turning to camera and reminding you how to jump every five seconds.

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