Is Pouch Milk the Healthier Choice Over Long-Lasting Tetra Pak Milk?

by · Northlines

When it comes to purchasing milk, consumers are often faced with the choice between milk packaged in pouches or cartons. While tetra pak milk touts benefits like long shelf life without refrigeration, many wonder if traditional pouch milk could be the better option in terms of safety and nutrition.

Tetra pak, also known as ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk, undergoes intense heat processing to eliminate bacteria and allow it to be stored at room temperature for months without spoiling. This high heat treatment reaches temperatures of 135 to 150 degrees Celsius, thoroughly killing any microbes. However, some experts note this could impact milk's natural flavors and components.

In contrast, pouch milk only requires lower heat processing of around 72 degrees Celsius. While this shorter heating time preserves more enzymes and flavors for a creamier taste, it only provides a shelf life of a few days under refrigeration.

From a food safety perspective, both types of milk effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms. However, UHT milk's longer shelf life eliminates the risk of spoilage during storage. At the same time, pouch milk advocates argue its gentler processing maintains superior nutrients.

Nutritionally, research finds UHT milk retains most proteins and minerals but sees minor decreases in heat-sensitive vitamins like B12. Meanwhile, studies also show milk's proteins can unfold or aggregate when exposed to high heat, potentially impacting digestibility.

When considering these factors, diet and health experts conclude both milks can be part of a balanced diet. For those prioritizing shelf life during travel or emergencies, UHT milk offers amenities. But if taste and nutrients are top priorities, pouch milk preserves more natural qualities. Ultimately, personal preferences guide the best choice.