Nutritionist’s coffee health tip could cut down obesity and diabetes risks

Flaxseeds could be the unlikely coffee ingredient to boost your health

by · Surrey Live
The morning health boost could be incredibly beneficial for some people(Image: GETTY)

One little-known seed could be the secret to keeping a healthy heart as one nutritionist is pointing out the “interesting nutrient content” found in flaxseeds. Flaxseeds have also been proven to hold a hefty antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties offering a range of other minor health benefits.

Nutritionist Aitor Sánchez and singer Paloma San Basilio both swear by the seed and its health benefits. In fact, the singer noted she gets her daily dose in her morning coffee.

She told La Vanguardia she’s been having golden flaxseeds for years: “I add it to my morning coffee with milk. They have incredible properties.”

Flaxseeds in general are rich in fibre and other vital nutrients like omega-3, calcium, magnesium, iron, biotin and phosphorus. Dietitian Mareva Gillioz has been highlighting these benefits of flaxseeds for years on Bio Eco Actual.

She noted that the golden flaxseed helps to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, making it a great ingredient to have in the morning to give your body some solid nutritional foundations for the day. The expert also highlighted the seeds’ role in helping to reduce oxidative stress.

As a result, this means it plays a role in protecting against kidney diseases and certain types of cancer like breast and prostate cancer. But it’s not just the flaxseeds in this morning beverage that can be beneficial for your health.

Coffee also has proven antioxidant and metabolic effects. Some studies even suggesting moderate consumption could lower the risk of heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The health benefits of coffee and flaxseeds work in harmony to improve the overall nutritional value of your morning cuppa. However, it might be a bit of a tricky combination.

Whole flaxseeds won’t dissolve in coffee so most experts recommend crushing or grinding your flaxseeds into a powder before adding it to your brew. This can even be done in a coffee grinder.