Fans have noticed an error during one of the classes at Hogwarts.(Image: BWP Media)

Harry Potter fans spot small blooper in fourth film that most would never notice

Eagle-eyed Harry Potter fans have spotted the small blooper in Goblet of Fire - would you have noticed this?

by · The Mirror

Harry Potter fans have noticed there's a small error in one of the films, but you'll need to watch closely to spot it.

It isn't often that major movies such as Harry Potter make any editing blunders, but it can happen. In a Reddit thread posted by Potterheads, one observant fan spotted a small blooper from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

They said: "Hi, I don't know if anyone realised, but in Goblet of Fire, the note Fred gives to Ron vs the note Ron reads is different, the first has four lines but the second has three! It happens around 1:10:55 in the goblet of fire. I wonder what the first note says!"

In the scene, Fred sends Ron a note in class encouraging him to ask one of the girls to the Hogwarts Yule Ball. It reads in pencil: "Get a move on, or all the good ones will have gone."

The note is very easy to read when the camera pans to it but just before, as it is being passed to Ron, the writing is different.

Fans spotted the hiccup from the fourth movie.

It looks like a pen is used instead of a pencil and the number of lines on the first bit of paper is four. Whereas on the note that Ron reads, there are only three lines.

In the comments, one sceptical fan said: "Isn't it odd that the note is written in pencil instead of quill and ink?" While another said: "I never noticed that, neat find. But with all the things that movie got wrong, this one I’m not so concerned about."

Another added: "Good spot! I never would have noticed this! Perhaps it was enchanted to say whatever the holder needed to hear."

This isn't the first blunder Harry Potter fans have spotted when watching the films. In the Chamber of Secrets, a camera man can be spotted during the scene where Harry and Malfoy go head to head in a duel during one of Lockhart's class.

Movie mistake
byu/-kashifa- inharrypotter

While on a movie poster for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, other fans noticed that a different woman was representing Ginny Weasley. It is very clear that the woman in the poster is not Bonnie Wright, who played the youngest Weasley sibling, and is instead an unknown person.

Plus, in the fourth film - the Goblet of Fire - viewers noticed a mistake during the second task scene in the Triwizard Tournament. After coming out of the lake, we see Hermione helping to cover Harry with a blue towel and then puts her own grey towel around him.

The camera then zooms out while other characters are chanting and you see Harry with just his blue towel on and Hermione with her grey towel round her.

It then jumps back to Harry and Hermione in frame and he has both towels wrapped around him again.