Seth Rogen's 'The Studio' to open SXSW
NEW YORK (AP) — The SXSW Film & TV Festival will kick off March 7 with the world premiere of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's “The Studio,” the Apple TV+ comedy series starring Rogen as a fictional Hollywood studio head. The Austin, Texas, festival announced its slate Wednesday, unveiling the 96 features, including 82 world premieres, selected for its 32nd edition. The SXSW film festival, which is held alongside a sprawling music festival and tech conference, runs March 7-15.“The Studio,” to debut on Apple TV+ on March 26, stars Rogen alongside Catherine O’Hara, Kathryn Hahn, Ike Barinholtz, and Chase Sui Wonders. “This brilliantly conceived series is exquisitely cast and written, capturing the fanatical love, dedication, pressure, and, yes, the hubris that defines our industry,
22 Jan 20:01 ·