Dubai chocolate bars from Sugar Plum Sweetery, Aldi and Lidl(Image: Shauna Bannon Ward)

I tried the Sugar Plum, Aldi and Lidl Dubai chocolate bars - and there’s a clear winner

by · RSVP Live

There hasn’t been a dessert trend as big as the Dubai chocolate bar since the cronut in the 2010s.

The delicious mix of pistachio cream, kataifi pastry and tahini encased in milk chocolate has driven everyone insane - with everything from strawberries and ice cream being covered in it.

Now nearly every shop has their own version of the Dubai chocolate bar, from Mullingar’s Sugar Plum Sweetery to supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl.

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I put the three of them to the test to find out which was the ultimate Dubai chocolate bar in Ireland - and there is a clear winner.


Aldi's Dubai chocolate cake bar(Image: Instagram)

I noticed that Aldi were doing their own version of the Dubai chocolate bar after they shared a post on social media.

This one is a bit different as it also contains a cake/brownie base, with the crunchy pistachio mix on top.

I saw that some people weren’t a fan and didn’t enjoy the taste of it, however, I was pleasantly surprised.

It’s definitely not your standard Dubai chocolate bar, but it’s a tasty and fun spin on it. It’s not hugely sweet and won’t overpower you as the bar is actually quite small.

When I saw the video of it, I didn’t realise how tiny the bar would be, but you’d easily eat it in four big bites.

It’s a lot drier than the standard Dubai chocolate bar, but the cake base gives it enough moistness that you won’t be left parched.

The price tag of €4.99 is slightly outrageous for the size of the bar. I think €2.99, or even €3.50 at a stretch, would be more appropriate.

I’m glad I got to try it, but I wouldn’t be rushing to go out and buy another one.


Lidl's Dubai chocolate bar(Image: Lidl)

Lidl has another version of the Dubai chocolate bar, priced at €4.99.

The bar’s thin shape and structure reminded me of a Lindt bar, which are flat and snap in half easily. It has a thin layer of chocolate and filling. It also doesn't look like the standard Dubai chocolate bar and it's much thinner than in pictures.

I liked it at first - the pistachio fix was really smooth, with little bits of crunch.

However, after trying the other bars, I tried more of the Lidl bar and it really didn’t compare.

On a second taste, the nutty pistachio flavour was overpowering. It was difficult to eat any more of it and I found myself feeling thirsty.

I think this is the type of chocolate bar that you can only have a few bites of, before putting it aside for another time.

Lid's Dubai chocolate bar is the same price as Aldi, however, it's much bigger. While they have different shapes and filling, I think the €4.99 price tag is more appropriate for this one.

Sugar Plum Sweetery

Sugar Plum Sweetery's Dubai chocolate bar(Image: Sugar Plum Sweetery)

Many people will associate the Westmeath shop with the Dubai chocolate bar, with it being one of the most popular versions in Ireland. I first tried it back in November and have ordered from the shop three times in total.

This bar is great because it contains all three core ingredients for a Dubai chocolate bar - pistachio, kataifi pastry and tahini.

Tahini seems to often be missed when people make their own versions of the bar, because it can be hard to find but it’s crucial in order to get a good balance of flavours.

Each bar I’ve gotten from Sugar Plum Sweetery has been excellent quality too, with no changes and the perfect flavour.

One of my favourite things is the high quality of the chocolate, which is thick, evenly spread and not overly sweet. I find that sometimes people can scrimp on the chocolate quality because people are interested in the bar’s filling, but that definitely isn’t the case here.

I received my first order within a few days, but since the bar’s popularity has skyrocketed, it can now take up to 20 business days. That can be frustrating if you’ve got a craving for it and don’t want to wait, but honestly it was well worth it for me.

A few days after I received my most recent order, I happened to be near their Mullingar shop. It was in the evening and they still had their Dubai chocolate bars in stock, so if you’re nearby, it might be easier to pop in and pick one up instead.

I’ve seen a few people complain about the €9.95 price tag and the size of the bar, but having tried several different Dubai chocolate bars, they all tend to be more expensive than a standard bar. The quality of this one far outweighs those from supermarkets, so I definitely think it’s worth buying it at least once - even to share.