A man walks next to the logo of Korean Air airlines during an organised media tour, at the company's Cabin Crew Training Center in Seoul, South Korea, on Jun 27, 2024. (Photo: REUTERS/Kim Soo-hyeon)

Korean Air completes Asiana takeover to form one of Asia's biggest airlines

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Korean Air has completed its protracted purchase of indebted South Korean rival Asiana Airlines, the airline said on Thursday (Dec 12), a major step towards forming one of Asia's biggest carriers.

The 1.8-trillion-won (US$1.3 billion) M&A deal, which stands as one of the longest to completion in the sector, was first unveiled four years ago by South Korea's largest carrier to rescue Asiana, grappling with a plunge in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Korean Air acquired 131,578,947 newly issued shares in Asiana on Thursday, for a stake of 63.88 per cent stake in the airline, which becomes a subsidiary.

A new Korean Air group could account for just over half of South Korea's passenger capacity, and would become the world's twelfth-largest airline by international capacity, a Reuters analysis of airline data from Cirium and OAG shows.

Korean Air said Asiana's integration would not include layoffs.

"The combined organisation projects natural staff growth through business expansion, with employees in overlapping functions being reassigned within the organisation," it said in a statement.

Source: Reuters

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