Flagstar Financial, Inc. (NYSE:FLG) Announces $0.01 Dividend

by · The Markets Daily

Flagstar Financial, Inc. (NYSE:FLGGet Free Report) declared a dividend on Tuesday, December 3rd,investing.com reports. Stockholders of record on Monday, December 9th will be paid a dividend of 0.01 per share on Tuesday, December 17th. This represents a dividend yield of 0.33%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, December 6th.

Flagstar Financial has a dividend payout ratio of -11.8% meaning the company cannot currently cover its dividend with earnings alone and is relying on its balance sheet to cover its dividend payments. Analysts expect Flagstar Financial to earn ($0.35) per share next year, which means the company may not be able to cover its $0.04 annual dividend with an expected future payout ratio of -11.4%.

Flagstar Financial Price Performance

Shares of NYSE:FLG traded down $0.25 during midday trading on Tuesday, hitting $11.70. The company had a trading volume of 588,283 shares, compared to its average volume of 8,056,423. Flagstar Financial has a 12-month low of $5.10 and a 12-month high of $34.47. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.52, a quick ratio of 1.12 and a current ratio of 1.14.

Flagstar Financial Company Profile

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Flagstar Financial, Inc operates as the bank holding company for Flagstar Bank, N.A. that provides banking products and services in the United States. The company’s deposit products include interest-bearing checking and money market, savings, non-interest-bearing, and retirement accounts, as well as certificates of deposit.

Further Reading