Confirmed: Jason Isaacs Wore a Prosthetic in ‘The White Lotus’

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The White Lotus is no stranger to full frontal male nudity. In fact, it's one of the only HBO shows to consistently showcase naked men almost as much as naked women. (Looking at you, Game of Thrones!) So when Jason Isaacs went full frontal on The White Lotus season 3, Episode 4, it really shouldn't have been a surprise. Also not a surprise? That wasn't actually Jason Isaacs' package shown in the scene.

Like many an actor before him, Jason wore a prosthetic for his nudity scene in The White Lotus. The actor himself has been cagey when asked about the scene, joking in an interview with Decider, “I think it's digital. I wasn't there that day.” But his onscreen children, Sam Nivola and Sarah Catherine Hook, have confirmed that it was, indeed, a prosthetic penis.

Fabio Lovino/HBO

Speaking of filming the scene where Jason's character, Timothy, high off of his wife's Lorazepam, lets his robe come undone in full view of his three kids, Sarah and Sam said that Jason was eager on set. “It was really funny. He was very excited to do it. I think he took pride in the prosthetic,” Hook told TV Insider. “He's like, ‘It's my fake dick scene today!’” Sam added.

Jason joins a prestigious group of men who have worn prosthetic penises on The White Lotus. In season 1, a double for Steve Zahn used a prosthetic, and in season 2, star Theo James wore a prosthetic to film his full frontal scene. He joked in an interview on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon that while he originally wanted an average-sized prosthetic, the one he got was definitely more, shall we say, impactful. “This thing is ginormous,” he said, adding jokingly that he thought the makeup head “stole it off a donkey in the field!”

Prosthetic or not, doing any kind of nudity is a tricky thing to do as an actor, but Jason said he was happy to help creator Mike White in his mission to redress the balance of onscreen male and female nudity. “He's trying to right the balance of how many naked women I've seen growing up on every television show and film,” Isaacs told Decider. “Nudity is the thing. He uses it sometimes for comedy, sometimes for sex, sometimes for manipulation. It's a good TV moment.”