Western Media: Evidence Points to Chinese Drone Support for Russia’s War Effort

· novinite.com

Western media outlets, including Reuters, Sky News, and the Times, have reported that there is credible evidence indicating that Chinese companies are supplying military drones to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine. According to the Times, a recent report reveals that a Chinese company sent a batch of military-grade drones to Russia for testing, with Ukraine identified as the final destination. This deal was allegedly made last year, though the Western official who shared this information did not disclose the name of the company involved.

The revelations also confirm earlier reports by Reuters that Russia has established a program in China aimed at developing and manufacturing long-range attack drones. These drones are intended to support Russia’s military operations against Ukraine. One of the documents referenced in the reports claims that IEMZ Kupol, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey, developed and tested a new drone model, the Harpia-3, with the assistance of Chinese specialists.

NATO has responded to the reports from British media with concern, labeling the situation "deeply troubling" and stating that member nations are holding consultations on the issue. A NATO spokesperson highlighted China's growing role in Russia's war effort by providing dual-use technology that is bolstering the Russian defense industry.

In a statement, the NATO spokesperson emphasized that China’s involvement in supporting Russia could have significant implications, warning that "China cannot continue to fuel Europe's largest conflict since World War II without affecting its own interests and reputation." When approached for comment, the Chinese embassy in London stated it was not aware of the specific details being cited.