Cover image via China Press & @bingbinge656 (X)

Elderly Man Who Slapped Non-Muslim Student For Not Fasting Granted DNAA

The case is reportedly being referred to the Attorney-General's Chambers.

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An elderly man accused of slapping a non-Muslim student for eating in public during Ramadan has been granted a discharge not amounting to acquittal (DNAA) by the Johor Bahru Magistrate's Court today, 19 March

According to Free Malaysia Today, Magistrate A Shaarmini granted the DNAA following a request from deputy public prosecutor Nur Fatihah Nizam, who was instructed to refer the case to the Attorney-General's Chambers.

The DNAA was granted pending a potential fresh charge against the accused, Abdul Razak Ismail. 

Screenshots from the videos of the incident on social media.Image via @bingbinge656 (X)

The 65-year-old was charged under Section 323 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt

He was charged with committing the offence at a shopping mall in Johor Bahru at 3.45pm on 16 March.

Razak initially pleaded guilty, but later contested the facts presented in court.

As a result, the magistrate rejected his plea and ordered him to enter his defence. However, before a trial date was set, the prosecution requested the DNAA.

The accused, Abdul Razak Ismail, arriving at the Johor Bahru Magistrate's Court this morning, 19 March.Image via China Press

Read more about the case here:

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