From denying Stormy Daniels affair to arguing about golf: Key moments from Biden vs Trump debate

by · LBC
US President, Joe Biden - and Donald Trump - have clashed during their US election debate.Picture: Getty/Alamy

By Flaminia Luck


Joe Biden and Donald Trump went head-to-head on Thursday evening for the first debate of the 2024 presidential election.

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Mr Biden, 81, and Mr Trump, 78, clashed on a variety of issues, but it was the US President's apparent frailty which took centre stage at the event hosted in Atlanta.

The pair sparred on issues like abortion, the economy and foreign policy.

They hurled insults at each other as well, bringing up convictions and calling each other a variety of names.

The phsyical state of Joe Biden came under intense security.Picture: Getty

Some key moments from the debate:

  • Delivery

Given the ages of both Mr Trump and Mr Biden, the performance and stamina of each candidate was under intense scrutiny.

It did not take long for Mr Biden to lose his train of thought, as he suddenly started speaking about Medicare as he made a point about taxing billionaires before appearing to freeze.

Another notable aspect of the debate was Mr Biden's voice, which was clearly hoarse and rasping. His camp has since complained the US President has a cold.

Read More: Donald Trump returns to Capitol Hill and whips up Republican legislators

Read More: US President Joe Biden, 81, appears to freeze again before Barack Obama ushers him off stage

  • Foreign policy

One of the most significant parts of the debate tonight centred around foreign policy, including the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

Mr Trump clearly thought he was doing well in this part of the debate, as he repeatedly moved back onto foreign policy, attacking the Biden administration's record on both wars.

Mr Trump went on to say he will have the war "settled" in Ukraine before he "takes office", though stated that he does not think Vladimir Putin's terms are acceptable.

The Russian President says he would only end the war should his country be allowed to retain the territory it has gained during the war.

As for the war in Gaza, Mr Trump accused Biden of becoming "like a Palestinian".

"He's become like a Palestinian, but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian. He's a weak one," Mr Trump said.

The US President reiterated America's support for Israel and said Hamas cannot be allowed to exist.

Mr Trump accused Biden of becoming "like a Palestinian".Picture: Getty
  • Stormy Daniels

Mr Trump was convicted in New York on May 30 of falsifying records to cover up a potential sex scandal, making him the first ex-president convicted of a crime.

Mr. Biden brought up his opponent's dodgy past and took aim at the former president during questioning about the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, saying "the only person on this stage who's a convicted felon is the man I'm looking at right now."

However, Trump worked quickly worked to deflect, pointing to Mr. Biden's son, Hunter, before suggesting he himself could become a convicted felon.

"When he talks about a convicted felon, his son is a convicted felon," Trump said.

"He could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office … Joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things he's done."

Trump is awaiting a Supreme Court ruling on his contention that presidents have "absolute immunity" for acts committed while in office.

Mr. Biden pointed to Trump's numerous charges across four criminal cases, while asking about how much the former president owes in civil cases.

"You have the morals of an alley cat," Mr. Biden said. 

Mr Trump makes it clear saying, "I didn't have sex with a porn star."

  • Abortion

A key issue in tonight’s debate is abortion, after Roe v Wade (1973) was overturned in 2022. 

Mr Biden said he would restore Roe v Wade if he is re-elected. Mr Trump also said he would not block abortion medication after the Supreme Court upheld the right to the medication. 

It was perhaps Mr Biden’s most focused moment in the debate, but came just moments after he stumbled on Medicare. The US President appeared to lose his thought as he was talking about taxing billionaires. 

“If we finally beat Medicare,” Mr Biden said suddenly, before he was cut off. 

It was an open goal for Mr Trump, who said: “He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death…he’s destroying Medicare.”

Read more: As it happened: Joe Biden and Donald Trump clash in first debate of Presidential campaign

Joe Biden greets supporters at a Waffle House in Georgia following the presidential debate.Picture: Alamy
  • Golf

Mr Trump used golf as a way to insist he’s easily passed multiple cognitive tests and boasted about two non-senior club championships he is claimed to have win.

He added that Mr Biden could not hit a ball fifty yards.

Mr Biden remarked about Mr Trump’s height and weight in response, saying he would be happy to play golf with the former president if he carries his own bag.

Mr Biden claimed he has a handicap of 6 in golf, meaning he is expected to take six strokes above the par score of a given course, to which his oppenent called “a lie,” adding “I’ve seen your swing.”

Mr Trump said, “Let’s not act like children,” as the trash talk ceased, to which Mr Biden responded, “You are a child.”