tvOS 18.4 Beta 4 Released with Potential New Features

by · The Mac Observer

The fourth beta of tvOS 18.4 has been made available to developers, potentially bringing new features and improvements to the Apple TV platform. While specific details about the new features in this beta are limited, previous reports and rumors have suggested some exciting possibilities that may be included in this update.

One of the most anticipated potential features is the introduction of new screensavers. Apple TV’s screensavers have long been praised for their high-quality, immersive visuals, and any new additions would likely continue this tradition of stunning aerial views or other captivating scenes. These screensavers not only serve as attractive idle displays but also showcase the visual capabilities of users’ TV setups. Another rumored feature that may potentially be included in this update is support for robot vacuums.

This integration could allow users to control and monitor their smart home cleaning devices directly from their Apple TV interface, further expanding the platform’s smart home capabilities. While these features were initially rumored for earlier releases, their potential inclusion in tvOS 18.4 could significantly enhance the functionality and user experience of Apple TV devices. As with all beta releases, it’s important to note that these features are still in the testing phase and may be subject to changes or removals before the final public release.

Developers now have the opportunity to test their apps and services against this new beta version, ensuring compatibility and potentially leveraging any new APIs or capabilities that may be introduced. The full extent of the changes and improvements in tvOS 18.4 will likely become clearer as the beta testing progresses and more information becomes available.