How To Fix Microphone Problems On Android

by · Tech Viral

Recently, we received multiple messages from readers regarding microphone failure. Some readers reported that the other person couldn’t hear the voice during the middle of a call. Usually, these things don’t do much damage, but what if it was an urgent business call or a phone interview?

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Why Your Phone Mic Isn’t Working?

There can be multiple reasons why your phone’s mic is not working, especially during a call. Here are some possible reasons.

Network Problems – Usually, network problems are what cause microphone problems. If you are in the middle of a call and the person on the other end suddenly can’t hear you, you can blame it on the network carrier.

Microphone blocking – Sometimes, we accidentally place our fingers on the microphone during the calls, which blocks our sound. So, ensure you haven’t stuck the microphone with your fingers during the call.

Dirt Accumulation – The microphone glitch might also be caused due to dirt accumulation on the microphone. It doesn’t happen overnight but can create an issue over time.

Third-Party Apps – Certain types of apps are available on the internet, which can create a problem with the microphone. They won’t do any hardware damage, but they can modify some files, which can raise microphone issues.

We will share some easy methods to fix Microphone problems on Android smartphones. Make sure to follow every method carefully.

1. Restart Your Device

Well, this is one of the first things you should do to fix the Microphone Problem on Android smartphones.

Not just microphone problems, but a simple restart can fix most of the Android errors. Once done, call and check whether the microphone problem is solved.

2. Shutdown Your Device for a Few Seconds

Well, this is another thing you must do to fix Microphone problems on Android devices. If a simple restart fails to fix the microphone problem, shut down your Android smartphone and wait 10-30 seconds before turning it on again.

This will refresh your hardware and fix your device’s Microphone problems. Once done, make a call to check whether the problem is solved.

3. Check if your Phone case is blocking the Mic

Although very rare, a phone case can block the Microphone. Even though the case won’t stop the Microphone completely, it can still block the input.

If your phone case is blocking the mic, you will have low-sound issues. So, the goal is to check whether your phone case is blocking the Mic.

You can try removing the phone case and then testing the Microsoft. If the microphone still has a problem, put it back on the case.

4. Turn Off the Bluetooth

If you have a Bluetooth headset that you often use with Android, your headset is likely connected to Android when making/receiving calls.

When a Bluetooth headset is connected, speaking to your phone’s microphone won’t work. So, you need to ensure there’s no Bluetooth device connected to your phone.

You can also pull down the notification shutter on Android and turn off Bluetooth. Or else, open App drawer > Bluetooth, and turn off the Bluetooth connectivity.

5. Check the Microphone Permission on Android

The latest version of Android allows you to enable/disable microphone access for apps and services. So, if the Microphone is not working on Android while using selected apps, you need to check the microphone access settings. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Open the Settings app on your Android smartphone.

2. On Settings, scroll down and tap on Privacy.

3. Next, under the Permission manager, turn on the toggle for Microphone access.

6. Check the Microphone Access for Apps

As we know, the latest versions of Android allow you to disable microphone access for selected apps. Let’s say your Microphone is not working only while making calls on WhatsApp; in that case, you need to check whether Microphone access for WhatsApp is enabled.

1. Long press on the App icon of which you want to check the Microphone access and select App info.

2. On the App info screen, tap on Permissions.

3. On the App Permissions, tap on the Microphone.

4. Select either Allow only while using the app or Ask every time to grant the Microphone access to the app.

7. Clean the Microphone with a Pin

As we all know, microphone glitches might also be caused by dirt accumulation on the microphone.

Dirt doesn’t accumulate overnight, but if you use your phone regularly for an extended period or if it is exposed to dust, dirt accumulation is quite apparent.

In this method, you need to use a small pin or a thin needle to poke the small hole beside the USB connector. You can also blow air directly through your mouth to the microphone hole to remove dirt. Don’t use cotton clothes to clean because fabric pieces could get stuck.

You can also take your smartphone to the local smartphone repair shop to get the dirt removed from the microphone.

8. Disable the Noise Reduction

Well, the latest Android smartphones have a feature known as ‘Noise Reduction’. This feature eliminates extra background noise during calls and improves the call experience.

However, due to some bugs, sometimes the function blocks the call voice completely. So, if the microphone problem is caused by noise suppression, then follow this method to fix the problem.

  • First of all, open the App drawer and select Settings.
  • On Settings, tap on Call.
  • Now, in the call settings, scroll down and find Noise Reduction.
  • Turn off the option and restart your smartphone.

9. Find and Remove The Third-Party App

As mentioned, third-party apps can interfere with your phone and cause microphone issues.

If you have microphone problems after installing an app, you can blame the app. You need to boot your phone in safe mode, which will temporarily turn off all third-party apps.

After booting your phone into safe mode, make a call and check whether the microphone is working. If it does, you need to find and remove the app causing the problem.

10. Get it Repaired

If all of the methods failed to fix the Microphone problem on Android, your phone probably has a faulty microphone. If your microphone is faulty, you must have it repaired by the service center.

You can also call the customer service number to get more details about the phone. You won’t have to spend anything if your phone is under warranty. However, if your phone has passed the warranty period, you must pay the repair charges for the microphone.

These are some of the best methods to fix Microphone not working on Android smartphones. In the comment box below, let us know if you know other methods to fix the microphone problem.