A warning has been issued to drivers [stock image](Image: Justin Case via Getty Images)

Drivers warned to arrange a 'very important' test or face £1,000 fine

The DVLA has warned drivers that they could face a hefty fine and penalty points if they fail to arrange a particular test which is 'very important' for road users

by · The Mirror

Motorists have been issued a stern warning that neglecting to schedule a crucial eye test could result in a hefty £1,000 fine and penalty points.

The warning comes as road users are reminded of the potential repercussions of failing to ensure their vision meets the required standard for driving. Tyre retailer BlackCircles emphasised: "It is very important for drivers to have regular eye tests and, if needed, wear glasses while driving. Drivers with poor eyesight could face up to £1,000 fine and a three-point penalty."

The company further highlighted the importance of this for older drivers, whose vision can often fluctuate, adding: "Wearing certain types of sunglasses can actually add points to your licence.

"Sunglasses that are very dark and only transmit three to eight percent of light are illegal to wear whilst driving. This is because they can affect your sight, which is a hazard."

They also warned that: "Drivers caught wearing these sunglasses could face a hefty £5,000 fine and 9 penalty points." If you've been invited by the DVLA to undertake the necessary eye examination, you'll receive a letter from the Drivers Medical Group containing an 'M reference number' unique to you and a DVLA case number.

This M reference number should be quoted when booking your appointment at Specsavers, enabling them to request the relevant paperwork, reports Birmingham Live. It's crucial to remember that there will be a limited window to arrange and attend your appointment, so it's advised to act promptly upon receipt of your letter.

When it comes to DVLA eye tests, they typically include a visual acuity test and a visual field test. However, only certain types of field machines meet the DVLA's stringent standards, and Specsavers stores equipped with these approved machines are ready to perform the tests.

It's worth noting that not every Specsavers branch is set up for the specialised DVLA sight test. To find out where you can go, check your letter from the DVLA – it will list the stores with the necessary field machine models.

Specsavers has provided some guidance on the process: "If you have been referred to us by the DVLA for a driver's visual field and acuity test, you will receive a letter with details of your nearest stores so that you can make an appointment. You will need your unique 'M reference number' to book an appointment, which can be found in the letter."