Help Make a Shliach’s Simcha

A shliach is marrying off his child in a few weeks and doesn’t have the means to pay for the wedding.

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A shliach is marrying off his child in a few weeks and doesn’t have the means to pay for the wedding.

Baruch Hashem, they are marrying off a child in a few weeks, but there is a lack of money to pay for the wedding bills.

Can you help fulfill this critical mitzvah of Hachnasas Kallah while supporting the Rebbe’s Shlichus?

The mitzvah of hachnosas kallah is one of the loftiest forms of tzedakah—and how much more great is the zechus when it comes to a shliach of the rebbe.

Now it the time of מרבין בשמחה surely simcha will be brought to your family by helping in a simcha of a Shliach.

A small campaign has been launched for $18,000 to ensure that the family can marry off their child with peace of mind and simcha, returning to their shlichus with renewed vigor and joy.

The campaign is Endorsed by Rabbi Shlomo Segal, Rabbi Mendel Feller, and Zalmen Hertz.

Righteous Helping is a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) federally tax-exempt charitable organization. (Tax ID: 92-3827720)

Click here to contribute

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